Erfahrungen und Fakten Autotech Flasher

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rh-renntechnik schrieb:
Achyles schrieb:
frosty schrieb:
Hi... Hab meins vorgestern wieder bekommen...keine Spuren vom öffnen zu sehen :)

Und das geht nur in England bei Jason..

Die sollen das auch in DE anbieten mit dem STG- öffnen, ist doch nicht schwer da jemanden zu schulen und lizenzieren :confusednew:

Wird bereits dran gearbeitet :)

Ha! Super Sache!! :hurra2:
Klappt das noch "vor" dem Treffen am Ring? :bravo:
rh-renntechnik schrieb:
Achyles schrieb:
frosty schrieb:
Hi... Hab meins vorgestern wieder bekommen...keine Spuren vom öffnen zu sehen :)

Und das geht nur in England bei Jason..

Die sollen das auch in DE anbieten mit dem STG- öffnen, ist doch nicht schwer da jemanden zu schulen und lizenzieren :confusednew:

Wird bereits dran gearbeitet :)

Dann warte ich auf alle Fälle und warte mit dem Bluefin verschicken. Ich darf wieder ab April fahren, vielleicht ist es bis da ja geregelt. ich will ja auch einen LLK, dann kann man ja alles auf einen Rutsch machen.

Ich fang jetzt mal mit 360 PS an aber wie ich mich kenne wirds sich das ganz bald wieder ändern.

Ich will einfach mal testen wie mir die Software gefällt !!!!!

Aber nach all dem was ich gelesen habe wirds wohl kein Fehler sein .

FREU :hurra2:
Ui die Entscheidun ging aber schnell.

Glückwunsch zur Entscheidung. :thumbs-up_new:
Kann wenn du willst mal n paar Erfahrungsbericht zur Stage 2 aus UK raussuchen. Aber mit englsich hattest du es net so , oder?
focus_zauni schrieb:
Ich fang jetzt mal mit 360 PS an aber wie ich mich kenne wirds sich das ganz bald wieder ändern.

Ich will einfach mal testen wie mir die Software gefällt !!!!!

Aber nach all dem was ich gelesen habe wirds wohl kein Fehler sein .

FREU :hurra2:

Nope, gute Entscheidung! :thumbs-up_new:

Wir vermehren uns. :mrgreen:

@ Karsten

Für mich kannste das aber machen mit den Berichten. :) :winkiss:
Bis vor ner Weile dacht ich noch es würde bei ein zwei Leuten bleiben...wohl nen irrglaube :ugly:
[textarea]Recently I made the decision to try the Autotech software from JW Racing. It was a bit of gamble thinking of a change from my current tuner software (Superchips) to new software but for various reasons I wanted to give it a go. I started another thread about why I was looking for the change, but in short it came down to wanting the Mountune product as experience has shown me they make great products, but it wasn't worth spending £2000 as I already have a Pro Alloy Intercooler and Milltek exhaust system. Therefore I did some research into the various tuner options and came across JWR.

After speaking for quite a while with Jason, he convinced me that the Autotech software would resolve the issues I felt I had with the Superchips software. So what were those issues? For one I found there to be too much power, in the winter it made the car undriveable. However Superchips sorted this by re-instating the torque limiters and since then it has been much much better - lots of power but without the wheelspin drama. The other problem though still remained, on say driving along a country lane, if I went to overtake (fairly narrow) there would be to much torque steer, again it felt like too much power. I just wanted to mash my foot to the floor and felt I never could as something negative happened. I must say at this point this thread is not intended to bash the Superchips product. I think it is a great product, the level 1 software was fantastic, very progressive and smooth. Superchips have always been very helpful to me and always found the time to welcome me personally to check over any concerns I had.

So this afternoon I took the long drive up to Dunstable to meet Jason from JWR and to try out their software. Jason was very efficient and had everything ready, and quickly performed the ECU reset needed, followed by preparing the handheld device ready for the software load. Peter from Autotech in Sweden was even waiting in the Sweden office to help set up everything, cannot fault the service. Once the software was loaded it was time for the test drive...

First impressions were the car felt more standard just poodling round, no jerkiness at all, very nice. Once we got to the faster road sections I could feel the difference in power deliver, but to be honest at this stage wasn't sure it felt faster or slower, or just different. I definitely needed to spend some time driving it to get to know its characteristics. After a few minutes we returned to JWR and Jason asked me what I thought. I could say at that stage it felt smooth but was worried about a slight feeling of loss of power, but said I had to spend more time with it....anyway after finalising everything I was on my way back home...

On the way home I was determined to find out how good (or bad) this remap is from JWR, a lot of it was motorway driving and this gave me lots of opportunity to try accelerating in different gears starting from different speeds. To be frank, it is nothing short of pulled hard and smooth all the way up to 7000k, it is addictive. There is virtually no torque steer and no horrible surges of power. I cannot say for definite if it is faster than the Superchips stage 2, the power deliveries are quite different, but for me personally I love everything about the way this remap works.

I have yet to try it on some local roads where I know exactly how the car feels, but from what I have seen so far I am very impressed.

What I hope people don't assume by reading this is it's another review by someone who has to say they liked it due to the fact they just spent money. It really isn't like that. I really am very impressed with the power delivery and amount of power this product provides. For me it ticks all the boxes. If anyone is in the Bournemouth area wants to feel it for themselves I have no problems, just give me a shout.

So to recap, for me the Superchips product stage 2 is very good, lots of people say it delivers power very smoothly. I like a lot about the way it delivers the power but also have some dislikes. The Autotech map has given me a much smoother drive when driving calmly or driving a little more "spirited". On the way home after stopping at some services I had to txt Jason explaining that it pulls like a train right up to 7000k. Brilliant!

Once again thanks to Jason, top service, very knowledgeable and helpful.[/textarea]

Mal eben was kopiert, n bisl viel, ist ein Report zur JWR60/Stage2..............

Wenn man Stage 4 macht mit den grösseren Düsen und dann aus irgend einem Grund mal auf CJ zurückgeht (also Original) muss man dann immer auch umgehende die Düsen wechslen oder darf/kann man damit auch noch fahren?

Wenn mir nichts in die quere kommt, dann werde ich wohl doch gleich mit Stage 4 einsteigen statt wie geplant mit Stage 2 :bravo:

Karsten sagte was von einer auf die größren Düsen angepasste "Serien SW".
Okay, vielen Dank für die Infos. Dann werd ich das noch abklären wegen diesem speziellen Map.
Würdet ihr eigentlich noch ein Forge Umluftventil dazu empfehlen (Stage 4) oder nicht nötig?
Jaaaaahaaaaaa ECU ist angekommen, der nachbar hat das Paket angenommen. :hurra2:
Jetzt muss ich morgen nur noch aus dem KH entlassen werden
Und das testen kann losgehen. :cooler:

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