Vorstellung des neuen Focus RS

Focus RS Forum

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Paul Seredynski of Ford Marketing and Team RS Engineers John Wicks, and Omar Odeh answer questions from RS Nations members.


Member questions:

Q: In a world of obsessed with performance numbers, what lead to Ford building a driver's car?
A: We've been at this a while now and know how to build a drivers car. We have a long history of doing that and we've done it again with the RS.

Q: Some of us, the Focus faithful have been waiting for over a decade for the Focus RS to grace our shores why now? Has the success of the ST helped make the case for the RS?
A: Because the RS is built on a true global platform, it now makes the RS possible on that global scale and yes, the STs success has played a role in that.

Q: Production numbers? What will production be globally and for North America?
A: Not able to comment on that at this time but initial run will be less than the STs first year. That was roughly 13K, so less than that. But, Ford has the capacity to make as many RSs needed to meet the demand.

Q: Rumors abound about power rating of the engine. We've heard from a mild 315 to a wild of 340, are you able to comment on output at this time. Can you define "well in access of"
A: Well in access of mean well more than 318. The RS already leads the class in power offering. The truth is, we still don't know. When we know, when the numbers are official, we will get the word out.

Q: RS owners would really like to know these numbers, the 318 is a great stating point but we'd like to take satisfaction in knowing that the output is well above the competition.
A: You won't be disappointed.

Q: How many trim level will be offered, what options might be offered?
A: Options will be limited to: Sun roof, choice of two types of seats, electric heated seat, and non electric seats. The seats shown in the European debut are not an option on the US models. Other options are the choice of wheel / tire packages and one of four colors, An ultra white not available on any other Ford, the Stealth Gray, Black and Nitrous Blue.

Q: The break calipers, will they all be in Nitrous Blue?
A: All cars will come with Nitrous Blue capers. Front brakes are 13.8 in with four pot Brembos up front.

Q: Wheels Size, for us guys with ST's will our 18's cross over, what's the smallest wheel we can run?
A: The smallest wheel you'll be able to run is an 18 in wheel. 17's won't fit, not positive, but the ST wheels should fit.

Q: In regard to onboard Telemetry, will the RS have the ability to provide data like G force, 0-60 times, etc?
A: An interesting suggestion...

Q: What about a track key like that found in the last gen Boss Mustang, such that with the track key, it would unlock a performance tune?
A: We've offered that in the past on other models and will offer it again on Ford performance models.

Q: Is the RS truly "track ready" as it take it to the track, run all day and it's up to the task? Has Ford addressed the STs track day limitations.
A: The RS is track ready. There are three cooling methods built into the front brakes. First the rotors themselves are vented disks, then there are are two ducts that duct air to them, one that is obvious along side the the front LED driving lights, less obvious are ducts beneath the car that also direct air to those brakes.

Q: What about the all wheel drive system and the clutch packs, are they also up to the task?
A: Yes, the clutch packs have been track tested.

Q: The 1 G quoted lateral grip stat, what tire option was that done one?
A: That's based on European data, we are not sure what tires it was done on.

Q: In regard to the driving modes are they pre programmed such that there are only one setting or are they also individually adjustable, and, do they default to a specific mode when you shut the car off?
A: There are four driving modes: Normal, Sport, Track, and Drift. Each mode allows for individual adjustment such that you could chose Sport and set the dampers to setting one or two. The system defaults to normal when the car is shut off.

Q: Any possibility of an overseas delivery program for the RS?
A: Ford doesn't have the infrastructure in place to support an overseas delivery program at this time

Q:What about a RS Academy, like the ST Academy offered to ST owners?
A: That program has been a great success, we haven't really talked about it yet but it might be something offered.

  • The exhaust appears to be stainless but we couldn't get confirmation.
  • The exhaust operation was explained in detail, it opens up at high RPM and in select modes. Expect good audio recordings from Ford soon. DO NOT JUDGE the RS by what you have heard from some ****** iPhone audio.
  • The rear valance was carbon fiber on the show car only. Production cars won't be in carbon fiber. About that rear spoiler and rear valance, it's not because race car, it's functional. We were told that this was a zero lift car. Designed to have down force, lower drag coefficient than the ST and higher top speed.
  • The car will have one color (soft white) LED interior lighting, no multi color LEDs.
  • The rear tails are production spec and are LED
  • The development videos are soon to be released. Expect those in the coming weeks.














































Die ganzen Infos von FRS#3425 lesen sich ja ganz interessant. Kann jemand die Aussagen der Herren bestätigen? Hier hieß es ja vorher mal, dass es mehrere Farben bei den Bremssätteln gibt, da ist nur die rede von Blau :confused2:

Die Fotos finde ich auch sehr Schick. Besonders das Grau ist ja da mal offiziell zu sehen...gefällt mir gut :bravo: wobei ich auch auf die beiden noch fehlenden Farben gespannt bin. Schade das Ford wieder nicht ein Auto in Serienoptik präsentiert hat....meine damit die Carbonteile, die ja sicher so nicht kommen werden :cry:
endlich mal ein paar handfeste Infos :hurra2: vielen Dank dafür!

Weiss jemand, ob es ein Schiebedach oder ein Panoramadach geben wird? Panoramadach wäre der absolute Hammer :cooler:
Ich denke, dass es das Dach vom Mk3 ST sein wird. Genaueres bleibt wohl erstmal abzuwarten
Wer hatte etwas von verschiedenfarbigen Bremssätteln geschrieben?
Ansonsten steht da nix neues. Es ist halt die amerikanische Perspektive.
Interessant allenfalls dass jetzt ein Ford Mensch erstmals die Plastikschienen am Unterboden erwähnt welche wie ein Anker im Wind hängen und zusätzliche Luft an die Bremsen leiten. Auf welche Art die dort montiert sind muss man ja nicht extra erläutern :D
Keine Ahnung wer genau das geschrieben hatte. Meine mich aber an 4 verschiedene Bremsenfarben erinnern zu können
Super, jetzt bekommt der Mk3 die Optionen die ich mir im Mk2 gewünscht hätte, Tempomat, Schiebedach... :lol:

Aber wenigstens etwas dazu gelernt :pfeif:
FRS#3425 schrieb:
Q: In regard to the driving modes are they pre programmed such that there are only one setting or are they also individually adjustable, and, do they default to a specific mode when you shut the car off?
A: There are four driving modes: Normal, Sport, Track, and Drift. Each mode allows for individual adjustment such that you could chose Sport and set the dampers to setting one or two. The system defaults to normal when the car is shut off.

Ich hab's befürchtet! So etwas programmiert doch nur ein Fahrradfahrer! Warum muss ich in einem Sportwagen erst noch eine Taste drücken und mich ggf. durch das halbe Setup fummeln, dass alle Parameter auf 'Sport' stehen???

Anders herum würde ich es ja noch verstehen. Wenn mal ein miese Straße kommt und man das Fahrwerk weicher macht. Aber per Default im 'Muttimodus'?! :thumbs-down_new:

Wäre ja noch halbswegs erträglich, wenn es so etwas wie die "M-Taste" bei BMW geben würde ...
Nur das der Focus kein Sportwagen in dem Sinne ist. Also macht es wohl doch Sinn, da die meisten im normalen Straßenverkehr und zur Eisdiele cruisen ... [emoji12]

Sent from my iPhone somewhere over the rainbow...
Beim Golf oder Cupra bleiben die Einstellungen auch erhalten. Aber ich denke 2 mal auf den Knopf drücken macht man irgendwann von alleine.^^