Alu-Ansaugbrücke Diskussion

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Das Teil sieht doch schon mal recht ordentlich aus.

Claude? Wann bauste es ein? Schon vorgeordert??
:lol: :lol:
wär doch ein nettes vor weihnachtsgeschenk :mrgreen:
in carbon optik hätt ich es heute noch bestellt !!
ich schon, der komplette Preis steht ganz oben auf der Produktpage und im Text ganz unten ist es explizit genau so erwähnt, zwar nicht als "Kaution" aber als Anzahlung ... :pfeif:
habs auch jetzt gelesen.... ist aber scheisse dass da OUR PRICE.....NORMAL PRICE etc. steht, da könnte man drauf reinfallen wenn man nicht ganz liest!!!!
wenn du das fettgedruckte am Ende richtig gelesen hättest, wäre dir das schon aufgefallen und wenn du danach nach dem Preis schaust siehst das spätestens dann auch :pfeif:
Hier geht es um die ColadoseAnsugbrücke von Sitech :

well a week has nearly passed and got a few days of varied driving under the belt to give the ECU as reasonable amount of time to adapt to the new addition as possible. I know the weather has definitely been in our favour of late especially first thing in the morning or after dusk but ive been having a whale of a time recently , the car just feels so good , the performance from 3rd gear onwards is just immense

anyway , trotted off to the same rolling road as last week , ive not changed a thing since my last visit , there was still some fuel in the tank form last time also so not one thing has changed in terms of the car. The dyno operator has the calibration specs for the dyno runs we previously used and ensured that everything matched 100% from last week. As the dyno also has a weather station in theory even the weather changes should have been accounted for so it was a s fair a comparison as we could make

the results ? more power :thumbsup:

this is how it goes:

Last week OEM inlet plenum 414.9hp

Last week Sitech inlet plenum 424.8hp

This week Sitech inlet plenum 432.4hp

those of you that have followed the thread all the way through will recall i pointed out a part of the rev range where the fuelling went a little rich adn the power dropped below the OEM unit despite the peak power being up. Last weeks dyno run also peaked very high up the rev range but dropped off slightly at the very top end of 7k

this week this little 'area' seems to have corrected itself , the fuelling is good all the way through , no lean or rich area and the power curve does not show the 'dip' from last week and further more keeps going up even into the 7k+ and shows a peak gain of 7.6hp over last week

overall we have seen a 17.5hp gain over the stock inlet plenum , on this evidence it seems a decent enough product to be investing in certainly with the cars running at this level

remember we have made no calibration changes at this point , it is possible that we are seeing these gains at lower boost than we were previously running so more tests are needed. There is still scope for this item to produce even more power on this car and indeed other performance packages. We are doing some road tests tomorrow and after that the unit will come of this car and go for tests on other cars with different packages to see how it works and see if we can make a calibration to see even more

this car will try the Mountune unit next in the same test conditins and see where we go with that :smile:

all looking good guys , my current view ? (although more tests needed) , an inlet plenum needs to be on your xmas list

we are still quite confident in the car to take this

i guess its like anything , it depends how you abuse it

i drive my car hard but not in the manner of full boost / revs off the lights , i dont think im harsh on my clutch so the standard unit is still coping with the power at this time

tomorrow im doing some track testing so whilst its not a full on track day there will be some more meaningful launches and full rpm runs through the gears , this will test the clutch for sure. Whilst im always mindful of a failure i have always been keen to only take my own car upto a point where i feel it can run with reasonable care , but still allowing me full enjoyment pout on the road where i mostly use it without fear of it breaking

i think we are very close to that point , this car will not go past 450 intentionally , if i wanted to push past that i would be looking at uprated internals so for me im close to wheer i will say enough is enough and i believe for most enthusiasts that point will be the same

there is always some one who will want 500 or more but to do that it looks like a big turbo is needed and some of the drivability will go with it so for us we think most of our customers will be looking at retaining the basics of the smaller turbo but maximising the potential within that

Hier nochmal eine mit ein bischen Farbe....Sieht zwar immer noch aus wie ne Zigarre.....geht aber scon...find ich..


  • frs inlet3.JPG
    frs inlet3.JPG
    30,1 KB
40 Ps Mehrleistung ab 400 :lachtot:

braucht man ja nur noch das "tolle" gebohrte luftfilter Kasten Oberteil, bringt ja auch 40 PS

ist echt unglaublich was sich die Leute als verkaufs Argument einfallen lassen
Dazu das Hoge Aufkleberset macht nochmal 50PS. :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot: :lachtot:
Dann meckern die Leute das der nicht mehr fahrbar wäre. :hurra: :hurra: :hurra:
Dann ziehen wir halt den 50 PS Hoge Aufkleber wieder ab und alles ist fahrbar! :hurra:

:lachtot: :lachtot:
Gebt mir die Kleber, mach sie auf Fiesta oder vielleicht
ans Crosscountryrad, dann hab ich 100PS im Fiesta oder 50PS
im Fahrrad :lachtot:
Ellmer-Autosport schrieb:
40 Ps Mehrleistung ab 400 :lachtot:

braucht man ja nur noch das "tolle" gebohrte luftfilter Kasten Oberteil, bringt ja auch 40 PS

ist echt unglaublich was sich die Leute als verkaufs Argument einfallen lassen

Pumaspeed gibt auch 40 PS Mehrleistung durch die Ansaugbrücke an.
Sind dann 440PS anstatt 400PS :lol:
Echt lächerlich was sich nanche Tuner
da einfallen lassen, um uns das Zeug
zu verkaufen :doh:
Da sieht das Diagramm von Mountune schon seriöser aus und
entspricht wohl eher der Wahrheit. Zudem macht die Mountune
Brücke auch einen hochwertigeren Eindruck als die Sitech.

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