Well-known member
Hallo zusammen,
manche von euch werden es evtl gesehen haben das jemand in England einen heftigen Unfall mit seinem RS1 hatte. Dabei hatte der die typischen H-Gurte dabei an.
Wir hier schon ein paar mal geschrieben ist das ja alles andere als Optimal mit den org. Sparco Sitzen vom Focus RS1. Hier die Aussage aus der Englischen Gruppe:
(Recht zum Teilen der Bilder und des Textes habe ich)
Evtl regt das ja wen zum nachdenken an.
Hoffen wir das Shane wieder ok wird.
manche von euch werden es evtl gesehen haben das jemand in England einen heftigen Unfall mit seinem RS1 hatte. Dabei hatte der die typischen H-Gurte dabei an.
Wir hier schon ein paar mal geschrieben ist das ja alles andere als Optimal mit den org. Sparco Sitzen vom Focus RS1. Hier die Aussage aus der Englischen Gruppe:
(Recht zum Teilen der Bilder und des Textes habe ich)
A message from Shane Easterbrook to all Mk1 Focus RS Owner’s. (6th June 2016)
Late last night I received a message from Shane who has asked me to write this to pass onto all Mk1 Focus RS owners.
Shane as we all know had a very bad accident on Sunday evening. Shane has suffered a broken back, head injuries and nerve and tendon damage to his right hand finger. Shane is very lucky to be alive as we have all seen from the pictures and video of his car.
Shane said to me last night that he is nervous as he is having an operation on his spine this morning. Obviously it’s a very complex operation so I hope all goes well for him.
The message Shane wants to get across to everyone is this. Shane had Harnesses fitted to his seats of his Focus RS. He was told that it wasn’t recommended to have these fitted to the car when he bought the car but didn’t listen but now knows he is suffering from it. Shane has explained that because of these harnesses being fitted the seat snapped in half which broke his back.
He would like to think that because of what he has gone through it will get the message across to other owners with the same set up to remove the harnesses and stick with the standard seat belts.
Keep safe everyone and lets all learn from someone who is lucky to be able to help others with his message. Please spread the word to other owners at shows if you see the harnesses fitted to the standard Focus RS seats.
All the best to Shane in his operation today and I wish him a speedy recovery.
Clayton Borg

Evtl regt das ja wen zum nachdenken an.
Hoffen wir das Shane wieder ok wird.